We prepare 30-50 year old couples for financial freedom

Feel safe, secure and understood. It’s who we are.

Add $1m in 15 years?

You don’t have to plod along.

The Pathway to Wealth webinar shows you how >>>

Don’t miss out on the 3-minute video below to see how we can assist you.

You work hard for your money ... now it needs to work hard for you.

And your smart enough to know you’re not an expert at finances.

So let us remove the guesswork for you.

We’ll put it to use with a bespoke financial plan that meets your unique situation and aims to get you to a retirement position asap.

Super, property or shares? In whose name? Bad debt to good debt? We’ve go you covered with all of these questions.

Afraid of getting ripped off? We have a transparent cancel-anytime fee structure. And we’ll only work together if we can demonstrate value.

See our happy client reviews below about trust and NOT getting ripped off (especially Ted’s).

  • retirement investment wealth


    • Prepare for home ownership

    • Super setup - the right investments

    • Protect eachother, your family

    • Cash flow under control

    • Estate planning

    • The right team around you

  • Accumulators family wealth

    Pathway to Wealth

    • Invest in property, shares

    • Access home equity

    • Turn bad debt to good debt

    • Minimise taxes

    • Education investment

    • Protect your family

  • retirement wealth super

    Countdown to Retirement

    • Can I stop working now, please…?

    • How much will we need?

    • Where should our money be?

    • We are receiving an inheritance

    • We are paying too much tax

    • Should we sell property?

You don’t have to plod along.

The Pathway to Wealth webinar shows you how >>>

Add $1m in 15 years?

How MoneyRocket is different

Mark Kruger financial adviser
  • You will only ever work with me. Whilst I do have administrative support staff, you will never be transferred to an ‘associate’ adviser or discover that your adviser has ‘left the firm’.

  • I only work with people that I like and understand. These tend to be motivated, engaged individuals.

  • Many advisers don’t advise on property but it is part of our investment philosophy and we will recommend it if it is right for you.

  • Through Nectar Mortgages, we can assist you with accessing your home equity to invest in property or shares and structuring your loans in the way that suits you best. Less people for you to deal with!

  • We’ll work with your other professionals such as accountants and solicitors to ensure all aspects of your financial world are aligned.

  • Before financial advice I was in corporate finance and am still a CFA Charterholder. Before that I was an international concert pianist for 15 years. The point is, I get perfectionism and that you want the best for your family and wealth.

Your best interests is our professional duty

  • Any financial decision you make has a knock-on effect to something else.

  • We develop detailed, written financial plans that incorporates all aspects of your financial life - from overarching multi-year stratgies to which investment/policy is best for them.

  • You will therefore have peace of mind that everything is working together.

  • It is our passion and duty to do that for you.

  • Just like your GP or dentist, we are there for you as life changes. We make sure your best interests continue to be served and that you stay on track.

“How could this work for me?”

Join the email list

No vacuous tips or hacks - I can’t bear that.

You are here for your finances and want meaningful information.

Take a peak behind the curtain of financial advice. There will be insights, success stories and tales of caution (all anonymous of course).

All to show how financial advice can assist you achieving what you need to.

General Advice Disclaimer

The information provided on this website has been provided as general advice only. The contents have been prepared without taking account of you personal objectives, financial situation or needs.

You should, before making any decision regarding any information, strategies or products mentioned on this website, consult your own financila advsier to consider whether that is appropriate having regard to your own objectives, financial situation or needs.


Mark Kruger is a Sub-Authorised Representative (No. 1270772) and MoneyRocket Financial Services Pty Ltd is a Corporate Authorised Representative (No. 1293649) of GPS Wealth Ltd, Australian Financial Services License No. 254 544.

GPS Wealth Ltd

Level 15, 115 Pitt St, Sydney NSW 2000

(02) 8074 8599

