Your client portal

All MoneyRocket clients receive their very own personalised and complimentary financial hub accessible on their computer or via our phone app.

We make things as safe and as easy for you as possible by:

  • prioritising your security (we try to avoid sending sensitive information in email)

  • making signing easy and able to do on the go

  • direct messaging and notifications for those quick and easy questions

  • having your financial world all in one place (live daily data feeds are available at a small monthly cost)

  • ability to chat with us and other professionals such as accountants or brokers simultaneously

  • Features

    Keep your finances organised

    Track your spending

    Make smarter decisions

  • Security

    Bank level security

    Multi-factor authentication

    Your money is untouchable

  • E-signatures

    SIgn on the go on your phone

    Never miss a deadline

    Everything in one place

  • Rooms

    Automated reminders

    Instant messaging

    Chat with your profesionals